Read our latest Position Paper!

Welcome to AMEU Position Papers! Our latest issue features the collaborative effort between our participants and speakers in our AMEU Annual Flagship 2024. This paper serves to highlight the productive discussions of the various multi-dimensional matters of five selected topics during the Flagship: Youth Unemployment, Education Inequality, Environmental Activism, Youth Entrepreneurship and Political Participation.

Position Papers

AMEU’s Position Papers aim to highlight and analyze a specific problem and recommend solutions using arguments. They present an argument on thinking about a specific approach, idea, or framework to a subject matter. 

The main purpose of AMEU’s Position Papers is to introduce new ways of thinking in economics, social sciences, or other related fields that are unheard of or do not receive due attention, drawing on authoritative sources and diverse voices. Through an in-depth analysis of important problems at hand, AMEU outlines solutions that are proposed or directed towards public government institutions, private corporations, and civil society organizations. 

AMEU’s objectives are to involve youths in crucial debates on the economy, public policy, civil affairs, and environmental matters: by incorporating interdisciplinary perspectives and generating knowledge-sharing platforms alongside public engagement to mobilise networks of stakeholders 

Through their participation in research position papers, AMEU trains undergraduate students to take on independent research, guided by to devise practical action plans, and disseminate these solutions towards public and public spheres. 

Position papers  define clear stances, to offer strategic guidance that shapes public policy and strategic business decisions through enacting stakeholder and expertise discussions.  The whole process of writing Position Papers from working papers to full publication involves public engagement to receive input from multiple voices and to communicate the importance of enacting solutions. 

AMEU Position Papers are research-based papers from the Association of Malaysian Economics Undergraduates. The papers aim to provide a fresh perspective on tackling global challenges.